Chapter 2 - Understanding and Planning Achievable Challenge
Differentiating instruction is the key to creating achievable challenges for students, through instruction, homework, multimedia support, etc.
In order to differentiate instruction, students' learning strengths must be understood, and Willis shares two general categories for students: Map Readers and Explorers. According to Willis, Map Readers like to work
independently, and are most comfortable when they have specific instructions or
procedures to follow. Map Readers have characteristics of the linguistic and
logical-mathematical intelligence groups proposed by Gardner (1983), as well as
learning styles of auditory, sequential, and analytic learners. They prefer problems with definite answers and
procedures, they prefer new skills to be modeled by the teacher, process
information in “parts-to-whole,” are comfortable with logical, orderly,
structured approaches, and are good at using words to understand information, but
may prefer written responses. They want to practice before sharing ideas and answers,
appreciate early and frequent feedback, enjoy working independently and do not
usually respond well to mixed-ability groupings. Map Readers take more time and work deliberately,
showing all their work on homework and taking detailed notes.
Explorers are learners that want to skip instructions and jump into figuring things out with trial and error. Explorers share characteristics of spatial and bodily-kinesthetic groups and Gardner’s learning styles of global, big-picture, exploratory learners. They want to use their imagination, prefer discovery and exploratory learning where they can experiment, create, construct, and explore topics before there is direct instruction or modeling. These learners process information best when it’s introduced as “big picture” and then broken down; they use visualization memory strategies, enjoy choice and opportunities for innovation, find it helpful to draw diagrams, use graphic organizers, or make models and then add their own elaborations. Explorers recognize a pattern and then find thematic and cross-curricular links beyond math; they relate to inquiry projects that are open-ended. Explorers work well in various groupings, and respond well to models or manipulatives that help see direction of instruction; they construct mental patterns to connect prior learning with new knowledge.
Explorers are learners that want to skip instructions and jump into figuring things out with trial and error. Explorers share characteristics of spatial and bodily-kinesthetic groups and Gardner’s learning styles of global, big-picture, exploratory learners. They want to use their imagination, prefer discovery and exploratory learning where they can experiment, create, construct, and explore topics before there is direct instruction or modeling. These learners process information best when it’s introduced as “big picture” and then broken down; they use visualization memory strategies, enjoy choice and opportunities for innovation, find it helpful to draw diagrams, use graphic organizers, or make models and then add their own elaborations. Explorers recognize a pattern and then find thematic and cross-curricular links beyond math; they relate to inquiry projects that are open-ended. Explorers work well in various groupings, and respond well to models or manipulatives that help see direction of instruction; they construct mental patterns to connect prior learning with new knowledge.
Using students learning strengths
To help find students' strengths and interests, Willis suggests
introducing each new unit by offering the different categories of learners (Map
Readers and Explorers) at least one, specific, targeted activity. You can then
observe what elicits their interest and participation. She also suggests using
interviews and written inventories to determine students’ interests and
Willis suggests using multisensory input - rather than
lecturing and writing on the board, she suggests playing music at some point
during the day, drawing diagrams, graphs, or sketches, and showing pictures or
video clips, as well as offering hands-on experiences with
manipulatives and using students to demonstrate concepts. For younger students,
she suggests varying the presentation of information by stimulating several
senses, like speaking in a rhythmic cadence, rhyme, or rap key phrase.
In attempting to differentiate instruction, it's important to avoid boredom. To avoid the stress of boredom,Willis states that teachers should limit excessive repetition once mastery is clear. For those students that finish quickly and correctly, teachers should have appropriately challenging or higher-level conceptual problems ready for them. This idea of too much repetition should be applied to homework as well – it is a turnoff and a stressor. Willis suggests individualizing students' math homework.
To help gifted math students show work (which is often
difficult because they do it so quickly in their heads), give them more
challenging problems that will require them to show the work in order to figure
out the answer.
It is clearly difficult to individualize for all students and
all lessons, so Willis suggests that teachers find their own achievable
challenge in terms of differentiating for their students. Start by focusing on
individualizing for just one or two students, or focus on trying one unit that
engages students according to their learning strengths and interests. By doing
so, she states that you will “stimulate and strengthen your own neuronal
network for differentiating and planning for achievable challenge, and these
approaches will become more and more automatic.”
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