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Showing posts from July, 2015

Chapter 6: Differentiating in Response to Student Interests

I hope you have been reading along with us! There are so many interesting concepts to learn and Differentiation and the Brain: How Neuroscience Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom . think about with this book, Chapter 1 is found on my blog, in June. Check out Chapter 2 here , with Brigid (Math Giraffe)! Here is Chapter 3 , with Brittany at The Colorado Classroom! Chapter 4 is found here at What's New with Leah! Andrea reviewed Chapter 5 here , at Musings of a History Gal! So, here is Chapter 6: Differentiating in Response to Student Interests! The authors start out be sharing results of a 2006 study of 500 students that dropped out of school (in 26 different cities). The study revealed that 47% of the students left school because they did not find the classes interesting. Because of curricular and standardized testing pressure, many teachers do not link their curriculum to their students' interests. When people are interested in a topic, they pay attention, ask...