Chapter 5: Stuck in the Slow Lane: How American Grouping
Systems Perpetuate Low Achievement
Wow, what a chapter. This one has made me rethink some of my
beliefs. Most of my 24 years of teaching math has included grouping by ability. It
was such a big push in my early years of teaching – our smaller elementary school didn’t
group, but one of the bigger elementary schools did, and the parents pushed for
(and got) “equity” among the schools. So we all started grouping. Ability-grouping has become ingrained, so reading (in
this chapter) that ability grouping is illegal
in some countries in the world, including Finland (at the top in
international achievement tests), really surprised me. Grouping is banned because when students are put in lower ability
classes, they receive lower-level work, which Boaler says is damaging and
suppresses achievement. Non-ability grouping provides more students with the opportunity
to learn – which is needed in order to achieve. Makes sense.
In one California high school, all students started with algebra, taking 90 minute
classes for ½ year. This gave students the opportunity to take 8 math classes through high school. By the end of high school, 47%
of students took calculus and precalculus, compared to 28% of students in a typical
tracked high school. It was noted the "highest students" at the "detracked" high school achieved at higher levels than
high students in high tracks at other high schools.

Boaler states that in the US, students are typically grouped around 7th/8th
grade. (In past years, our district has been grouping as early as 2nd grade....)
This chapter shares research results that support the idea that grouping in math is not the best approach for student achievement.
As Boaler states at the start of this chapter – parents want
ability grouping because they want their “high-achieving, motivated children to
be working with similar children.” Boaler shares that international studies
reveal high-performing countries like Japan and Finland reject ability
grouping. The countries that use ability grouping, like the US, are least successful
in math.
Results collected about eight-graders from 38 different countries showed that the US had the most tracking (US was in 19th
place), while Korea (highest-achieving country) had the least tracking and most
equal grouping. US had the strongest link between achievement and socioeconomic
success, which has also been attributed to tracking. Researchers concluded that countries that leave grouping to the
latest possible moment or use the least amount of ability grouping are the
highest achieving.
According to research, when students are not grouped by
ability, it helps not just the students who would be on the lower tracks, but
also the students who would be on the higher tracks. In mixed-ability classes, there are more occurrences of students helping
other students (rather than just teacher helping students). This helps the higher students, because explaining concepts helps them learn the concepts more deeply;
it also helps them find their own weaknesses - if they can’t explain, they
where they need to work. Results from one of Boaler’s studies showed that after 3
years of ability-grouped classes, students achieved at significantly lower
levels than students who had been in mixed-ability groups. “High” students felt
unable to say that they didn’t understand the work, which moved “too fast.”
Boaler shares the belief that tracking leads to a fixed mindset – the belief that “ability” is fixed. For
“high” students, being put in a high track led them to believe they were smart. According to the growth/fixed mindset philosophy, this belief sets them up to become fearful of making mistakes and avoid more
challenging work. Boaler states that this has especially
devastating consequences for high-achieving girls.
Students in tracked classes are often treated as if they all
have the same needs and work at same pace, which is not true. When students are not grouped, there is a greater perceived need for the teacher to
differentiate both instruction and work. This results in a better match of pace and level.
In research in US
classes, it was found that tracked students tend to develop ideas about their own
potential, but also about others – as dumb or smart, quick or slow. Students in mixed-ability classes were more respectful and learned to respect different
ways of thinking.
According to Boaler, there are two critical components for mixed-ability grouping –
1) Students must be given open work that can be accessed at
different levels and taken to different levels. Teachers need to provide problems that
will be challenging in different ways, not problems that target small, specific
pieces of content. Students will learn different things at different levels
with these types of problems.
2) Students must be taught to work respectfully with each
At the end of the chapter, Boaler shares that she interviewed students that had been part of studies eight years earlier. Now,
as young adults, those who had been in mixed-ability groups were in more
professional jobs that those who had been tracked.
Very interesting chapter! So much to think about.
At this point, my grade level does not group by ability, but students were grouped for years before coming to me...
Does your school/district use ability-grouping in math?
Does your school/district use ability-grouping in math?
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